
Saving energy in the kitchen

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Saving energy in the kitchen

We do a lot of cooking so we are always looking at ways we can be more efficient. It can cost quite a lot to cook food from scratch if you don't have an energy-efficient kitchen so we have been upgrading our appliances and looking at the different techniques we can use to minimise our energy usage. It's good for the environment and it's good for the household budget when we can reduce energy usage. This blog has some tips on energy-efficient living and should be useful for those enthusiastic about doing their part to help our world stay healthy.



Renting a Skip Bin When You Live in an Apartment Building: What You Need to Know

Renting a skip bin is generally a straightforward process. The bin is placed on your property, you fill it up, and it's taken away. Couldn't be easier. There can be complications when you don't have an appropriate place to store the skip bin during the rental period. So how can you rent a skip bin when you live in an apartment building? There are a few ways to go about it.

A Suitable Common Area

Is there a suitable common area where the bin can be positioned? You generally can't just assume that any available space will be suitable, as it simply might not be permitted even if the space is sufficient. Make an enquiry with your body corporate or strata management group well before you actually rent the bin. They might place limitations on the amount of time that a bin can be placed in the area in question. If you're renting and don't know who takes care of body corporate or strata management decisions, contact your landlord or rental agency.

Outside Your Building

It can be possible for skip bins to be stored on the nature strip outside your building, but again, you need to seek permission from your body corporate or strata management group. It might also be necessary to obtain a permit from your local council (which attracts a fee). There will be certain criteria that needs to be fulfilled, such as whether the bin placement has the potential to impede access to your building's driveway (or those of neighbouring buildings). This might necessitate hiring a smaller bin than you first planned. If the street immediately outside your building has been designated as a no stopping zone, then a permit will almost certainly be denied. This is even the case if the no stopping rule is only in effect during peak traffic times. But there's still a way to rent that skip bin.

In Your Parking Space

There are smaller mobile skip bins for hire. These differ from their traditional counterparts in that they are towed behind a vehicle. This greater mobility means that they can be maneuvered into a smaller storage area, namely your designated parking space. You can then leave the bin there for the duration of the rental period without any issues (although you will need to find somewhere else to park your car).

So while there are some hurdles to renting a skip bin when you live in an apartment building, these hurdles can certainly be overcome.