
Saving energy in the kitchen

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Saving energy in the kitchen

We do a lot of cooking so we are always looking at ways we can be more efficient. It can cost quite a lot to cook food from scratch if you don't have an energy-efficient kitchen so we have been upgrading our appliances and looking at the different techniques we can use to minimise our energy usage. It's good for the environment and it's good for the household budget when we can reduce energy usage. This blog has some tips on energy-efficient living and should be useful for those enthusiastic about doing their part to help our world stay healthy.



Factors That Determine How Often Your Septic Tank Should Be Pumped

It may not always be advisable to pump your septic tank according to a given pumping schedule. This is because several factors may alter the frequency at which that septic tank should be pumped and cleaned. This article discusses some of those key factors that can influence the frequency of pumping the septic tank in your home.

The Scum and Sludge Layers

Scum refers to the solids that are suspended at the top of the liquid in the septic tank. Sludge refers to those solids that accumulate at the bottom of the septic tank. The quantity of scum and sludge in the tank can alert you to the need to pump and clean that septic tank. This is because the scum and sludge reduce the space available for liquids to be contained within the septic tank. This limited space can create opportunities for solids to be discharged into the drain-field since there was no time for those solids to separate from the liquids. Those accumulated solids that keep being discharged by a tank that is full of sludge and scum can overwhelm the drain-field. It is therefore advisable to pump the septic tank when the sludge and scum layers exceed the acceptable levels.

Septic Tank Capacity

Septic tank pumping is also influenced by the capacity of that tank. For instance, a smaller septic tank may need to be pumped more frequently than a larger tank. Similarly, the usage patterns influence the pumping frequency. For instance, you may need to pump the tank more frequently if you have a large family that discharges plenty of wastewater into the septic tank. Fewer occupants in the same home would discharge less wastewater into that same tank. Consequently, it would not need to be pumped as frequently as it was when the home had many occupants.

Magnitude of Solids

Homes that have garbage disposals may need to pump their septic tanks more frequently than homes without garbage disposals. This is because the garbage disposal discharges more solids into the septic tank. Such solids cause the scum and sludge layers to thicken quickly. This makes it necessary to pump the septic tank sooner in order to prevent the system from collapsing.

As you can see, an inspection of the septic tank is needed before you can be sure that it is necessary to pump the septic tank. Otherwise, you are likely to either take too long or spend too much on septic tank pumping and cleaning. For more information, contact a business such as Econocycle.