
Saving energy in the kitchen

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Saving energy in the kitchen

We do a lot of cooking so we are always looking at ways we can be more efficient. It can cost quite a lot to cook food from scratch if you don't have an energy-efficient kitchen so we have been upgrading our appliances and looking at the different techniques we can use to minimise our energy usage. It's good for the environment and it's good for the household budget when we can reduce energy usage. This blog has some tips on energy-efficient living and should be useful for those enthusiastic about doing their part to help our world stay healthy.



Household Solar Power: Separating Fact and Fiction

For many years, the concept of solar power was just that, a concept. During those years, a large number of solar myths evolved, and they're still in circulation today. Solar hot water systems are now a viable and practical solution, and Australia has over 1.5 million installed solar roof-top systems. Separate fact from fiction with this list.

Popular Solar Myths

Myth: Solar panels won't work efficiently in cloudy or cold weather.

Fact: The panels absorb light (UV rays) and not heat, so they are almost as effective when temperatures are low and there is cloud cover.

Myth: Solar panels spoil the look of a roof.

Fact: Modern designs ensure that they blend in with existing roof styles. Homes with solar power also usually increase in resale value.

Myth: Solar panels damage roofs and cause them to deteriorate quicker.

Fact: If they are correctly installed on a good roof, panels do not damage roofs. They are surprisingly robust and can withstand inclement weather.

Myth: Solar panels are expensive to install.

Fact: For a number of years the price of panels has dropped, and rebates are available on application in various Australian states.

Myth: A solar-power hot water system is just something else to maintain and look after.

Fact: Solar panels require very little maintenance, and they can last for over 25 years.

Myth: Using solar energy to heat water makes no difference to utility bills.

Fact: Householders see dramatic drops in their electricity bills after the installation of solar panels.

Myth: Solar panels only work if they're facing directly north.

Fact: They work well when facing northeast or northwest. They can also be installed on poles or standalone walls. 

Myth: Solar panels increase the temperature of the atmosphere.

Fact: The carbon footprint of solar panels, once they have been manufactured, transported and installed, drops to almost zero.  

Myth: Solar panels produce only electricity.

Fact: Solar power can be harnessed to heat water for homes and for a hot tub or swimming pool.

Myth: Solar panels will be tossed into landfills once they are no longer effective

Fact: Although solar panels are designed to last many years, and at present many of those in Australia are still a long way from decommissioning, much research has gone into how to recycle them. A number of solar panel manufacturers, together with Flinders University, government agencies and recycling partners have evolved a process to reclaim and reuse working solar cells from panels. Worldwide, other research into recycling solar panels is ongoing.

Solar-powered hot water is here to stay. It is a technology that has fantastic life-changing potential so it's time to look past the solar myths and move on.