
Saving energy in the kitchen

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Saving energy in the kitchen

We do a lot of cooking so we are always looking at ways we can be more efficient. It can cost quite a lot to cook food from scratch if you don't have an energy-efficient kitchen so we have been upgrading our appliances and looking at the different techniques we can use to minimise our energy usage. It's good for the environment and it's good for the household budget when we can reduce energy usage. This blog has some tips on energy-efficient living and should be useful for those enthusiastic about doing their part to help our world stay healthy.



What Many Property Owners Overlook When it Comes to Bush Regeneration

Bush regeneration refers to the clearing of certain weeds and other invasive species of vegetation from a lot, and regenerating that area with healthier vegetation and plants. If you own a vacant lot and note that it's gotten overgrown with harmful weeds that are choking out plants or causing damage to the soil, you may want to try some methods of bush regeneration. Before you do, note a few things that many property owners overlook during the process so you know not to make the same mistakes.

1. Retaining healthy areas

If there are healthy areas of the lot or area to be cleared, you want to ensure that you retain that area and protect it from having weeds and harmful vegetation spread. It does no good to clear and regenerate one area of a lot if you don't protect another, as weeds can spread very quickly and easily. You might need to build an actual retaining wall around the border of that part of your lot or dig trenches so that weed roots cannot grow through to the healthy area. This will protect that vegetation or area that doesn't need regenerating.

2. Cutting

Pulling up the roots of harmful weeds and vegetation can expose the soil to too much sunlight and not allow moisture to be held in the soil, so that it becomes overly dry and won't support any vegetation. Cutting the weeds gradually can be a better option; when you cut down the height of weeds, this can stunt their growth and also allow native, healthy vegetation to get added sunlight. In turn, the healthy vegetation may grow stronger while the weeds die off gradually, and the soil is protected during this process.

3. Leaving areas undisturbed

It's always good to leave some areas of a lot undisturbed through the process of bush regeneration, as there is often wildlife that has taken refuge in the vegetation in a lot; clearing the entire area can upset nests, dens, and other roosts for these animals. You may also be killing insects that are good for keeping the soil healthy for your native vegetation. When clearing a lot through bush regeneration, work in a mosaic pattern, clearing one section on one end of the lot and then another section on another end, and so on. This will keep the area healthy so that it can support the vegetation you do introduce once unwanted weeds are cleared.

Learn more about bush regeneration by contacting companies like EcoHort Pty Ltd.